Commissioning and Building Optimization
New Construction and Retro-Commissioning Services
SEA provides comprehensive new construction and retro-commissioning services in Alabama and worldwide to ensure optimal building performance throughout a facility’s lifecycle. Our expertise in commissioning and building optimization is rooted in a deep understanding of industry-standard practices, system design, innovative troubleshooting, quality assurance, and meticulous attention to detail. We also offer unparalleled guidance in training facility teams in Operations and Maintenance (O&M).
Our team excels in identifying and resolving building systems challenges efficiently and cost-effectively, whether during new construction or renovation stages. Often, our solutions require minimal intervention, leveraging the expertise of our teams.
Commissioning offers numerous benefits that significantly impact a building’s performance and operational costs. Industry statistics indicate that operational costs of commissioned buildings are 8% to 20% lower than non-commissioned buildings.
A one-time investment in building commissioning (typically 0.5-1.5 percent of construction costs) can result in lower operating costs over the life of the building. It is critical to have a building commissioning plan in place.
The Benefits of Building Commissioning Services
"SEA stands above the rest. This is an amazing team to work with. No other engineering firm has ever compared to what SEA has been able to do for our facilities this was proven when a ASHRAE honored our work with their technology and innovation award and featured it as the cover story of the ASHRAE September 2022 Journal. SEA's
results are second to none."
Kelley Whalen, ADTRAN Facilities Supervisor
Commissioned Buildings Benefit in Many Ways:
Lower Utility Bills: Increased energy efficiency reduces utility costs.
Improved Workplace Performance: Enhanced workplace performance and reduced absenteeism.
Enhanced Occupant Safety: Safer environments for occupants.
Reduced Maintenance Costs: Less time and money spent on maintenance and repairs.
Improved Health and Comfort: Better health and comfort for occupants.
Enhanced Indoor Air Quality: Improved air quality.
Documented Maintenance Requirements: Clear documentation for maintenance needs.
Lower Lifecycle Costs: Reduced first and lifecycle costs.
Environmental Benefits: Green building commissioning helps reduce a building’s carbon footprint.
Lower Total Cost of Ownership: Overall reduction in the cost of ownership.
Investing in SEA’s commissioning services in Alabama and worldwide ensures a sustainable, efficient, and cost-effective building environment.
This is a results focused form of retro-commissioning that focuses on energy savings and occupant comfort. It serves as the foundation of building energy optimization as it offers a deeper dive into optimizing equipment operation than normal RCx. Building tune-ups are about optimizing existing equipment operation through control modifications rather than capital intensive modifications, such as replacing equipment. At the end of a building tune-up, the changes that were made during the process are documented and tracked to show the effect that the tune-up had on facility operation.
Building on the ASHRAE Level 1 analysis, this report’s proposed energy efficiency measures are subjected to detailed energy calculations and financial analysis. Energy consumption is broken down by end-use, identifying areas with the most significant potential for efficiency gains. Utility rates are examined to see if there are opportunities for rate changes, and critical building representatives are interviewed to gain insights into building operational characteristics, potential problem areas, and program goals.
While this report is a little more in-depth, it can serve as a reliable measure for getting started. At this stage, the energy auditor will be able to offer you a recommendation for further analysis or be able to tell you whether this level is sufficient enough to meet energy efficiency goals.
SEA has retro/re-commissioned many problem buildings. Our role has been assisting our clients in identifying causes through appropriate building energy audits and assessments and recommending appropriate solutions. Low-cost / no-cost actions, as well as O&M improvements and retrofit opportunities, are examples of solutions.
We look for low-cost ways to improve the functionality of existing equipment and systems and optimize how they work together. Improved performance has improved indoor air quality, increased energy efficiency, occupant comfort, and reduced building deterioration issues.
Read more about Retro commissioningThe Energy Systems Laboratory at Texas A&M developed the Continuous Commissioning® process to improve comfort and performance using cost effective measures. CC® incorporates the best of retro-commissioning techniques into a process that achieves superior performance. The objective of CC® is to produce a rapid payback while providing sustained improvement to building performance according to the facility’s actual use.
SAIN Engineering Associates uses the commissioning tools, research and expertise developed by the Energy Systems Laboratory over the past 20+ years to make the Continuous Commissioning® process effective. This select group of engineers and building professionals have the skills and training to quickly identify the best improvement opportunities—those that can be implemented with the least cost while—producing the greatest impact.
AT A GLANCE – SEA Commissioning Facts
At Sain Engineering Associates, we pride ourselves on our accumulative experience and thorough quality assurance process. This has allowed us to build the following into our portfolio of work:
250+ Buildings Commissioned.
13.5M+ Square Feet of Commissioned Facilities.
8 Certified Commissioning Providers.
10+ Professional Engineers and Architects.
Our team comprises several essential and highly skilled role players that work hand in hand with the entire team and building owner from the initial planning phases to the final construction. Our team’s experience in the design and construction phases can offer critical input to ensure that each project gets the best. Whether you need new building commissioning plans or re/ retro-commissioning, our full suite of services and professionals are ready to guide you through the process.
Commissioning Services
The SEA team offers a wide range of commissioning services according to the building owner’s project requirements. Through a quality-focused approach and a full suite of services, each project reaches an ongoing commissioning benchmark and stays on top of the latest practices.
At Sain Engineering Associates, we offer:

SEA Commissioning Facts
Buildings Commissioned
Certified Commissioning Providers
Professional Engineers and Architects
Square Feet of Commissioned Facilities
We Believe in Building Optimization
We focus on creating efficient facilities. Buildings today are complex, with interconnected systems and sophisticated controls. As a result, even minor operational issues can significantly impair a building’s performance. We work with building owners to reduce capital costs, optimize energy use, and reduce maintenance costs while ensuring occupant comfort and indoor air quality.
To meet occupant requirements and expectations, optimizing a building’s energy consumption necessitates an approach that allows devices and systems to work together efficiently and cost-effectively. Building optimization combines several sustainable strategies used to examine and continuously address elements of existing buildings that can be optimized without requiring significant capital investment. ROI of 25% to 50% and savings of 15% to 45% are reasonable expectations. Simply put, commissioning ensures that all systems perform precisely as they are meant to!
What Makes SEA Unique?
At SEA, we take standard commissioning and building optimization processes and apply our distinct style to ensure that quality actions are carried out throughout our processes. Our portfolio of projects is founded on a few steadfast principles that are often unwavering.
Whether we are working on an existing building or aiding in developing a new building commissioning building project, we apply the same pillars to ensure that quality is at the forefront of our resulting product.
The pillars we rely on include:
Communication – Our excellent teamwork enables us to collaborate and communicate effectively across multiple teams. The trust we build with our facility owners allows us to meet their high expectations.
Agile mindset – Attention to detail affects quality assurance for a straightforward process that meets tight schedules and deadlines.
Passion – Our engineers’ friendly attitude is responsive, decisive, and passionate about finding solutions to your building operations.
A foundation of expertise – Our goal is to teach about industry best practices based on our subject matter expertise.
A proven track record – Whether you need a commissioning authority for new construction or a retro-commissioning authority for an existing facility, SEA has proven experience commissioning more than 13.5 million square feet across more than 250 buildings for the Government, Education, Healthcare, Industrial Manufacturing, Commercial, and Laboratory Research Industries. Our success is demonstrated by the outcomes we achieve for our clients.
What is Meant by Building Commissioning?
Building commissioning is a set of practices that aids in the planning, design, construction, installation, testing verification, documentation, and operation of structures and infrastructure to meet the Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR).
Building commissioning consists of distinct phases and activities for new and existing buildings. Whether commissioning existing or new buildings, the procedure includes many incremental activities, most of which are team-based and result in project-specific advantages and documentation. Commissioning is an ongoing process that will continue throughout a building project’s lifecycle well beyond the initial design and construction phases.
What is a Commissioning Service?
Full-suite commissioning services such as the ones we offer at SEA are aimed at ensuring that new buildings get started on the right foot at project inception – we offer tailor-fit solutions that take into consideration the projected lifecycle of a building to provide a project that can adapt quickly to future changes for the ultimate agile lifecycle of a project.
While our team is also skilled at working with existing buildings and commissioned systems to restore them to their intended purpose and functionality to reduce ongoing operations and maintenance costs.
Systems and assemblies that we oversee include:
Functional performance tests
HVAC systems
Verification of current and proposed facility systems and their documentation
Pre-existing systems
Electrical systems
Cost savings potentials to improve building operation
Does LEED Certification Require Commissioning?
YES! Under the Energy and Atmosphere [EA] section of the LEED, manual commissioning is required to ensure that buildings are fully optimized and functional and follow energy management best practices within the industry.
In order to be fully LEED qualified, a building must be commissioned, re-commissioned, or retro-commissioned. The final commissioning report will be required for LEED certification. If you are unsure what your project needs, get in touch with a SEA commissioning agent for advice and a walk-through of the process.
The Commissioning process
There is a systematic process that is applied to all commissioning projects. It is essential to consider that various project phases are vital. The commissioning process can be broken down into several stages with the result of the quality-focused process.
Pre-design phase
The Pre-Design Phase establishes the project’s foundation, defines the plan for commissioning (Cx), and begins the critical team-building process. The design and commissioning teams are assembled during this phase, and the Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR) and building program are developed. All subsequent decisions should be made concerning the OPR.
Designing Phase
During the design phase, the commissioning process ensures that the design documentation (Basis of Design (BOD), plans, specifications, and so on) are consistent and that they include commissioning requirements and meet the Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR).
Construction phase
A well-coordinated quality assurance and control process, including installation, start-up, functional testing, documentation, and training, is required for successful construction phase commissioning.
The commissioning team works during construction to ensure that all equipment, systems, and assemblies are appropriately installed, integrated, and operating following the Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR). Functional testing and documentation provide essential performance benchmarks, acceptance criteria, and a baseline for the facility’s future operation and ongoing commissioning.
Occupancy and operations phase
The Occupancy and Operation Phase typically begins when the facility is turned over to the Owner at Substantial Completion; however, some construction phase operations may still be ongoing. During the Occupancy and Operations Phase, all unfinished operations from the construction phase (project closeout activities) are completed. Long-term systems are designed and implemented to ensure building performance throughout time (ongoing maintenance and performance activities).
Regular data reviews and updates will keep the project, and building owners informed regardless of where you are in the documentation process. This is part of the communication process that allows all teams to operate at peak performance levels to ensure that the entire project runs smoothly from start to finish.
The Phases of the Retro and Re-Commissioning Process
Even if your building was initially designed to be energy efficient when it was built or renovated, building usage and equipment age over time, modern building systems are incredibly complex, and even minor changes can have a domino effect on the entire structure. As systems deviate from their default settings, energy consumption and operating costs rise.
This is where Retro-commissioning becomes an essential factor. The process of assessing a building’s energy performance and taking steps to return it to its original design intent is known as retro-commissioning (RCx).
Re and Retro-Commissioning
Planning phase
The objectives of the Planning Phase are to develop/confirm the Owner’s needs and requirements for the facility and document them via a Current Facility Requirements (CFR) document, as well as to create a retro-commissioning or re-commissioning Strategy to define the facility’s commissioning process. If a third-party consultant manages the project, the contract with the consultant will be planned and executed based on the Owner’s CFR and the required range of services.
Investigative Phase
The Investigation Phase’s goal is to conduct a site investigation to compare the individual building conditions and system stability with the Owner’s current operational needs and requirements as defined by the CFR. This phase concludes with the creation and review of a Master List of Findings, which identifies Facility Improvement Measures (FIMs) that, when implemented, would improve building and system performance to meet the CFR and reduce energy and O&M costs to enhance indoor environmental quality.
Implementation Phase
The Implementation Phase’s goal is to put the Facility Improvement Measures (FIMs) chosen from the Master List of Findings into action and ensure that the predicted results and system performance are met.
Turnover Phase
The Turnover Phase’s goal is to ensure a smooth handoff and transition from the commissioning process/team to the personnel in charge of operating and maintaining the building throughout its lifecycle (the O&M personnel). Successful changes ensure that all necessary documentation, knowledge, and systems are provided to O&M personnel, that O&M personnel demonstrate effective use of these tools, and that the implemented improvements become standard operating practice, ensuring that the CFR is met. The positive results will continue in the future.
Persistence Phase
The Persistence Phase’s goal is to ensure that all Facility Improvement Measures continue to function correctly throughout their lifecycle and that systems and tools are provided and used to facilitate continuous improvement of facility performance to meet Current Facility Requirements within the building industry.

Work With SEA for The Optimal Performance
SAIN Engineering has been helping clients just like you for 30+ years. Throughout this time, we have developed a reputation for integrity and excellence.
At SAIN, we don’t have clients; we have partners. We’re deeply invested in your success because your success is ours.
Partnerships are built on trust. And trust is one of the pillars of our business. The trust that we’ll be there for you. The trust we’ll give you the best recommendations and solutions. Trust that we’ll do everything we can to ensure your facility runs smoothly.
You can view our portfolio for yourself and see the SAIN Engineering difference.
We believe in sustainable growth, and this is what we help our partners achieve. Success, for us, is not a sprint: It’s a marathon. A marathon you cannot hope to finish without having a sustainable plan and a will to constantly improve and innovate.